Force3 Premium 12" Concrete chainsaw chain has the highest diamond concentration in the Force3 line, this chain is optimized for cutting harder materials, especially hard aggregate or heavily reinforced concrete.
FORCE3® Premium
Proper Chain Tension is very important. Rule of thumb is a diamond chain can be pulled freely around the guide bar by hand easily without binding. Proper chain tension should allow drive links to hang below bar. Click here for full ICS Chain Tension Tip Sheet.
For the straightest cuts use the Step Cut Method. Score the line first about 1/2" deep next deepen the cut about 2" then plunge all the way through and complete the cut. Plunge cutting generally results in a straighter start. If the cut does not start straight, it will not finish straight. When cutting heavy rebar, slowly rock the saw over the rebar, maintaining gray slurry water, so that you're always cutting concrete as well as steel. This will help keep diamonds exposed, expect less chain life when cutting heavy rebar.
If cuts are consistently crooked, turn the guide bar over and use the other side. Note: normal life of a guide bar is 2-3 chains. Heavy rebar can shorten bar life. With new chains it may be necessary to open up the diamonds, do this by making a few cuts into an abrasive material such as cinder block. Opening the diamonds will increase cutting speed.